Monday, April 02, 2007

Thank you, Mr. Loper...

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, filled with drama--a play run, a friend blowing town due to horrific circumstances, oh, and there's been lots of work to do at the same time...

And as far as work goes, Thursday took the cake. We had a committee meeting for the community economic development strategy plan we're preparing. We lucked out and had a quorum so the goals and strategies could be approved. We had a speaker to give the committee information about the workforce training needs in the region. We also had a subconsultant who (conspicuously absent up to this point) decided to make his presence known.

Every once in a while, he would make some backhanded complement to our work, annoying, but that's to be expected from an academic sub. Once the Chair of the Committee left and the presenter started, he really became obnoxious--he challenged every bit of data she presented for absolutely no reason.

The entire time, I just kept thinking..."somebody really needs to punch this guy in the neck."

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