Monday, February 28, 2005

Alas, Babylon...

Mr. Ivey died last Thursday. He was 66.

Friday, February 25, 2005

The Balance Struck...

Rehearsal in the apartment last night. Thank God for earplugs...I was totally able to read my book club book (I'm struggling with it) without being distracted. I could only hear them when the pitch became very high or something sounded wrong, which in the end, was a good thing. My "notes" were based solely on things that broke the sound flow--it was a kind of interesting experiment.

I must admit, I like the current situation: Greg's gotten over his possessiveness of the show, and I've proven in the past that my criticisms are sound, so now they both ask for my opinion of how things are working or not. Whereas for the first show, Greg didn't want to hear anything I had to say about it. At one point, they went to a professional whose critique ended up being almost identical (with a few additions) to my own. Greg told me how great the pros comments were and I laughed and laughed. He was confused, I explained. It eventually sunk in, hmmm, despite not being an "actor" Tina has tons of experience with stage shows--oh, and she's free. So now I comment when asked or something sounds very wrong, they listen and use or discard as they will.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


This morning on my way to work, I saw a woman come out of the "Teddy Roosevelt Birthplace". She was wearing leggings and a shiny metallic green puffy coat, was overly made up, and the true oddity, she was carrying both a camera and small sledge hammer.

I'm still trying to figure out the circumstances under which that would be appropriate attire.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Today in NYC History

I was reminded this morning that on this date in 1997, the early afternoon sun was suddenly covered by very heavy clouds (at least given the tiny view from our 75th St. window) thus causing Ms. Weber and I to cancel our plans to go to the Empire State Building observation deck.

The shooting started a mere 2 hours later.

Friday, February 04, 2005

A request from my mom...

Medicare no longer covers mammograms or checkups. It also does not cover hearing aids or glasses. Budget cuts you know.

Know what it does cover? Viagra.

Evidently the health/safety aren't as important as getting laid.

Her request: "Will you get up on your high horse and send some emails for me?"

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What are the odds?

My brother was called in for jury duty Monday. Exactly one week after I was. Guess what trial he was interviewed for?

The Hirte murder trial.

He was found unsuitable and excused.

Both of us, 1000 miles apart, called for jury duty within one week, interviewed for a murder trial and excused.

The Lund kids are doggin' legal bullets right and left.